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to go off course

См. также в других словарях:

  • Off Course — was one of Japan s most influential Folk rock bands. It was formed in early 1969 by Kazumasa Oda (小田和正) and Yasuhiro Suzuki(鈴木康博). They broke up in 1989 after their February 26 farewell performance at Tokyo Dome. Their most famous songs are YES… …   Wikipedia

  • off-course — «AWF KAWRS, OF ; KOHRS», adjective. 1. off track: »If off course betting does come, it will do racing no good (New Yorker). 2. not on the right course; deviating: »a slightly off course landing of a rocket …   Useful english dictionary

  • off course — 1. Deviating from the correct route 2. Astray • • • Main Entry: ↑course * * * not following the intended route the car went careering off course …   Useful english dictionary

  • off-course — [adj] strayed astray, confused, disoriented, lost, lost one’s bearing, off track, roaming, roving; concepts 576,583 …   New thesaurus

  • Off Course — Значимость предмета статьи поставлена под сомнение. Пожалуйста, покажите в статье значимость её предмета, добавив в неё доказательства значимости по частным критериям значимости или, в случае если частные критерии значимости для… …   Википедия

  • Off Course (banda) — En este artículo sobre música se detectaron los siguientes problemas: Necesita ser wikificado conforme a las convenciones de estilo de Wikipedia. Requiere una revisión ortográfica y gramatical. Por favor …   Wikipedia Español

  • off course — not moving forward as wanted or expected. The opinion polls show that voters think the government has gone off course. Opposite of: on course Etymology: based on the literal meaning of a ship or spacecraft going in the wrong direction …   New idioms dictionary

  • off course — adverb not following the planned, or intended, route The strong winds made the car go careering off course …   Wiktionary

  • on (or off) course — following (or not following) the intended route. → course …   English new terms dictionary

  • of course vs off course —   Of course is an informal way of saying yes or to give someone permission to do something.   For example:   Student: Can I have some extra homework?   Me: Of course you can.   Off course is used when a vehicle doesn t follow a planned, or… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • of course vs off course —   Of course is an informal way of saying yes or to give someone permission to do something.   For example:   Student: Can I have some extra homework?   Me: Of course you can.   Off course is used when a vehicle doesn t follow a planned, or… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

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